Generator Testing for Snowy Hydro Challenge PSC’s Genassure generator testing service and PSS/E modelling team have helped Snowy Hydro obtain a detailed understanding of the generator control systems’ capabilities and characteristics, update their models and complete...
Network Extensions to Remote Areas Overview As operator of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM), AEMO manage the connections to the shared grid. The geography of Australia gives rise to situations where new generation can be very remote from the grid....
Territory Generation Remote Operations Centre Challenge PSC was awarded the role to scope Territory Generation’s Remote Operations Centre (ROC) project in Darwin. The project was to establish the Remote Operations Centre, which centralised operation of TGEN’s...
SAPN – Impact of DER on Distribution System Quality of Supply Overview SA Power Networks is the distribution utility servicing metropolitan Adelaide and much of the state of South Australia. The South Australian Distribution Code and the National Electricity...