PSC has supported AltaLink in its preparations to integrate HVDC Technology into its existing operations. Staff from PSC Australia, PSC USA and PSC Canada worked closely with AltaLink staff to develop an HVDC Integration Plan in anticipation of the proposed Western Alberta Transmission Line (WATL) Project.
The WATL Project will be the first High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) project for AltaLink. The first stage of the WATL Project is a 1,000MW monopole HVDC line from Sunnybrook to Crossings in Alberta, Canada.
The development of the Integration Plan commenced with a review of AltaLink’s existing organization and of the anticipated challenges required to implement and operate the new technology. Recommendations were developed on how to resource the operations and maintenance of the new technology, with a view of leveraging AltaLink’s existing organization and processes.
PSC HVDC Services
PSC developed a schedule for integration which comprised a number of activities to be implemented in parallel with the development and construction of the WATL project to ensure that AltaLink is ready to operate and maintain the link from the moment it is commissioned. These activities include putting operation and maintenance staff, procedures and assets in place and the training of staff involved in the O&M of the WATL Project. PSC also developed a high level budget that will be required to implement these activities.
The PSC team received strong support and input from staff within AltaLink to jointly produce an Integration Plan which aligns both the needs of the new technology and AltaLink’s existing organization structure and culture.